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If you enjoyed the audio, it would be highly appreciated if you downloaded the PDF, but do not feel obligated; what is most important is for the Spirit of God to give you an understanding of Scriptural truth.

When you hear this audio, some things might sound repetitious, but it was done intentionally so that you could turn it over and over in your mind to come to an understanding of the Scriptural truth that there is only one God. Many would say that using a computer's voice makes the audio appear tawdry, but I am not on YouTube for popularity or to get exposure; I am just conveying Scriptural truths. Let me also mention that I do not want to spend my time making a one-hour YouTube video.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. I encourage those who purchase the PDF on the audio to study it and share the truth of God's word, that God is "echad" (one).

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